

You can now get Arise Bible Institute books, check our catalog and go to the "Order now" button in the bottom to place your order.

1. The Christian worker and his gifts.
We dedicate this book to our mighty God, who, through His Holy Spirit, has inspired us and strengthened us to be able to develop this tool, which we hope, will be useful for Christian workers in their individual ministries, for the praise and glory of His Name.

2. Leadership Training Course
The Earth today is crying out: “Where are our leaders?” The truth of today is that there is a need for leadership. In the world of politics, humankind is looking for people who will lead towards a safer, better planet…but in the newspapers and books there is a resounding cry: we need more leaders.
3. Comparative Religions
To all those who searched and studied the Word of God, and who boldly rose up against erroneous practices and doctrines. And lastly, to the great number of brothers in the faith who even today are risking their own lives for the joy of seeing even one soul saved, who day in and day out preach that Christ saves, heals, baptizes and is coming back soon.

Bible Survey (Old Testament)
To the students who will receive this teaching, that they may continue serving God with all their strength.
5. Comparative Religions
Through this book we will study the New Testament. It is called “New” as opposed to the “Old Testament.” This “New Covenant,” as it is also known, is a new endeavor in God’s desire to have a relationship with man.

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We believe that God is raising the Native Americans to be leaders in their own communities, so we just ask you to be sure you will use this studying material, that way we make sure there is enough for the people that need it.
● The Christian Worker And His Gifts
● Leadership Training Course
● Comparative Religions
● Bible Survey - Old Testament
● Bible Survey - New Testament
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